22nd through 23rd Jumps:
Time for more silly jumps! You can't expect anything different at Bridge Day. I've always wanted to try going off on someone's back and what better place to try it than at Bridge Day 2005. The first jump I went off on my friend Collin's back. I wrapped my right arm around his neck to hang on. We also wanted to try a PCA chain (a.k.a. waterfall) jump. This is where one person opens their parachute while holding onto another persons pilot chute. In this case my parachute would open and I would be holding Collin's pilot chute in my hand. As I get yanked up on opening I would deploy Collin's canopy. Because I was to have Collin's pilot chute in my left hand so I could PCA him, and my right arm around his neck to hold on we figured Collin could hold my pilot chute and deploy my parachute for me. A little confusing! Essentially we swapped pilot chutes. The pictures below are of my 22nd jump with just Collin alone. After that jumped we decided to spice things up a bit by adding a catch and release to the beginning of the jump. We were to do the same jump but add another person, Tom, to the equation. Collin couldn't do the second jump with me so we substituted him for a guy named Mark.  I got on Mark's back and Tom stood off to the side. All three of us jumped, Mark threw my pilot chute over to Tom, Tom caught my pilot chute and hung onto it, waited for a second, deploy his own pilot chute, PCA'd me and I PCA'd Mark. I held onto Mark's pilot chute a little hard and it pulled me into about 5 lines twists on opening. The canopy was turning on opening and I couldn't steer the canopy with the twists. I finally got out of the twists a few seconds before I was about to fly into a big rock. I was able to turn the canopy away from the rock at the last minute and land safely in the water.
Here is a video of my 23rd jump. I'm under the second canopy that opens, the one flying in circles for a bit because of the line twists.
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